

The central purpose of the research and project activity of AuroBharati is to rediscover the genius and outstanding magnificence of Indian culture and work to apply it dynamically to life and all its activities in the building of a new India. The approach is to address the necessity of preserving the threads of community culture and will promote intercultural understanding, peace and human unity. Realizing the integral approach of the Teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the project aims to take their ideas globally with a vision to achieve unity in rich diversity, peace and sustainable development.

Sanskrit is an ancient language that has a rich tradition in Indian culture. It is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and is often used in religious rituals and ceremonies. Sanskrit has also been a language of literature, philosophy, and science in India for thousands of years. Its influence can be seen in various aspects of Indian culture, from classical texts like the Vedas and the Upanishads to modern practices like yoga and Ayurveda. The study of Sanskrit is highly valued in Indian education systems as it is seen as a way to connect with the country’s cultural heritage.

Indian culture is rich and diverse, with a long history that dates back thousands of years. It encompasses various traditions, customs, languages, religions, and art forms that have evolved over time. Scholars and researchers study various aspects of Indian culture, such as history, philosophy, literature, music, dance, and art, to better understand and appreciate its depth and complexity. Traditions are an integral part of Indian culture, passed down through generations and celebrated in various festivals, rituals, and ceremonies. Overall, Indian culture is a vibrant tapestry of traditions, research, and practices that continue to evolve and thrive in the modern world. It is important to understand and appreciate these aspects to foster mutual understanding and respect among different groups and to preserve the richness of our collective human experience.The approach is to address the diversity of cultural expressions based on tradition and continuity.

Research Projects:

  • VedaPuri: Tradition of Vedic Learning & Cultural Continuity
  • Siddha Tradition of Puducherry: Philosophical and cultural significances
  • AuroAkasha- Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Vision for an Integral World
  • Bharat Vaibhav: Study of Indian Art, Culture & Heritage in the Light of Sri Aurobindo
  • Multimedia Project on Sri Durgasaptashati
  • Design and Development of Museums, Training and Capacity building programs for Museums professionals
  • Pondicherry as a World Heritage City: Documentation, Policy and Recognition
  • India and France: Cultural Linkages & Interactions
  • Commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation and Outreach
  • Research, Documentation and creation of Digital Repository of the Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Promotion of Heritage Tourism
  • Tamil Heritage: Community Culture, Documentation and Conservation Measures
  • Devavani- AuroBharati Sanskrit Radio

Research Programs:

  • International Sanskrit Study and Research Forum
  • Devabhasha: A Language of the Divine Origin
  • Vedic Chanting: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Tradition and Continuity
  • Scientific Heritage and Knowledge System of India
  • International Cultural Relations
  • Capacity Building Program for Artists and Cultural Professionals
  • Bal Samskriti: Towards Creativity & Integral Development
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